Wall Mounted Jib Cranes
Shop for wall mounted jib cranes at Material Handling Solutions. They are available in a wide variety of capacities and spans. Wall mounted jib cranes are commonly used to assist workers in a variety of lifting applications. They provide a safer and less time consuming solution for moving heavy objects that can’t be moved manually. A wall mounted jib crane consists of a horizontal boom attached to a pivoting vertical column which is mounted to the wall. Our wall mounted jib cranes rotate 180 degrees and are equipped with high grade iron castings, roller bearings, grease fittings, steel axles and cotter pins. We also carry a large line of gantry cranes, including aluminum and steel gantry cranes, trolleys and hoists.
We offer many other types of material handling equipment. Please check out our large selection of various types of cantilever racks and warehouse storage racks to utilize your facility’s space to the fullest capacity. We have a huge inventory of pallet racks and we can usually ship any order within 96 hours. Call us toll free with any questions you may have and one of our specialists will help you find what you are looking for.